Saturday, February 11, 2006

Step-by-step instructions

This is how I got "Airport Extreme" to work under Ubuntu (Dapper Flight CD 3) on my 12" Powerbook G4 (867MHz), from 2003.

First, install Ubuntu Dapper (note - it's development software and should not be used on a production system). Installation guides are available at Ubuntu Forums and through google.

Secondly, make sure you have a copy of the AppleAirPort2 driver. I've got mine from the Mac OS X partition still lying around on the hard disk drive, you would want to have a look at "AppleAirport2.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleAirPort2" in "/System/Library/Extensions/", or at the Apple web site if you've got a working cable connection to your Powerbook (Update: see instructions for downloading and extracting the driver).

This is how I got it (my OS X partition is hda4):
sudo mkdir /media/OSX
sudo mount -t hfsplus /dev/hda4 /media/OSX/
sudo cp /media/OSX/System/Library/Extensions/AppleAirport2.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleAirPort2 ./

Once you've got your hands on the driver, copy it to your linux system and extract the firmware for your network card with fwcutter.

Eg by doing this:

sudo dpkg -i bcm43xx-fwcutter_20060108-3_powerpc.deb
bcm43xx-fwcutter AppleAirPort2

Without network connection you would of course have to get the file from another computer, and move it over with a CD-RW or USB stick.

Now, copy the extracted files to /lib/firmware/. Bring down the cable interface, if up, and add a DNS to /etc/resolv.conf if you haven't done that before. Now it's time to bring up the wireless network card, eth0 on my computer.

sudo ifconfig eth0 up
sudo iwconfig eth0 channel 6
sudo iwconfig eth0 rate 11M
sudo iwconfig eth0 essid NetworkName
sudo iwconfig eth0 key s:AsciiWepKey
sudo route add default gw

Replace "NetworkName" and "AsciiWepKey" with your information. You won't need the "s:" prefix on the WEP key if it's in HEX.

Now, good luck and happy surfing. I'm going out for a walk in the sunny winter landscape of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Wireless in Linux, finally!

Finally! A working reverse engineered driver for the Broadcom 43xx chipset has been released. The chipset is used by Apple for their "Airport Extreme" wireless network cards, eg in my Powerbook.

As I mainly use Linux (Ubuntu) it's been a problem for me that neither Broadcom nor Apple has released an open source driver for the chipset. Neither have they published the cards specifications, so it has been hard for the Linux developers to reverse engineer it. Now, though, it's finally here, and I'm actually writing this post from my Powerbook, without the cable plugged in.

Thanks a lot, open source hackers.